
Week1 Geography

Hello, everyone. my name is Mineto.
I’m going to write a blog about Galapagos Islands. Galapagos Islands are very famous for unique animals. I am very interested in the ecology of the Galapagos’ animals. This is the reason why I decided the blog theme.  I’m not good at English. But I will do my best.

In the first week, I will introduce the geography and the islands in Galapagos Islands.

First, I will talk about the geography of Galapagos.
Galapagos Islands is in Ecuador. They are located about 900km west from mainland of Ecuador. There are a number of large and small islands and reefs. The distance between the northern end and southern end is 220km.
Galapagos Islands are volcanic islands. There are volcanoes which continue volcanic activity now.

Galapagos Islands have 13 main islands.  Next, I will introduce some islands.
Santa Cruz
   It is the second largest island in Galapagos. It is a center of commerce, government, geography.
It has conical volcano.
   In the past, pirates and whalers lived there. Darwin came there.
   Santiago is most damaged by feral goat and pigs. Because there are many people from ancient times and they came there with goat and pigs.
San Cristóbal
 It is the most eastern, the fifth largest and the second most populous island in Galapagos.
 There is Puerto Bakeriso Moreno, the capital of Galapagos.
 There is a main airport.
Santa Fé
    It is famous for Santa Fe Land Iguana which lives only there.
  It is the most southern and the most oldest island in Galapagos.
  It is an island people settled the earliest.
  There are rich soil and water.
  It is the largest island in Galapagos. It is formed of six volcanoes. It is relatively young island.
  Mt.Wolf located there is the highest in the Islands.
  It is the most western and the third largest and one of the youngest island in Galapagos.
Volcanic activity is still thriving there.
This small island, Genovesa is known as the paradise of birds. Red-footed Booby, Magnificent frigatebird, Swallow-tailed gull, Masked Boody, Galapagos Red-billed Tropicbird and Mimus polyglottos live there.
Seymour Norte
There is a colony of Galapagos Blue-footed Booby and Galapagos Magnificent Frigatebird.
Galapagos Land Iguanas live there.
It is an island ordinary people can not enter.
It located the center of Galapagos. The island’s beach’s sand is red. There are many Galapagos Sea Lions.
They are famous dive sites.

Filally, I will introduce next week’s topic. I will talk about Galapagos Islands’ history.
Galapagos Islands’ history is very interesting because people who live there have a big impact on Galapagos Islands’ ecology.

Thank you for your reading! See you then.